مع نمو العلم ومعرفة الإنسان وقدرته على النظر فى الخلائق وإحصاء جزء من تفاصيلها. وذلك بكافة ادواتها وتقنياتها من مناظير وحواسيب. ظاهرت فروع جديدة من العلم لتصنيف وتنظيم هذه المعلومات فى عقود مرتبطة وتراتيب متراكمة متصل…
تم وضع هذا الكتاب ليكون مصدرا اوليا لطلاب قسم علوم الحياة المهتمين بدراسة مادة الوراثة، لذا اعتمد اسلوب الكتابة على البساطة والابتعاد عن التعقيد قدر الامكان الا ما تتطلبه الضرورة الملحة، لا سيما ان علم الوراثة اصبح من…
A portable and pocket-sized guide to foundational bioscience and biomedical science laboratory skills The newly revised Second Edition of Basic Bioscience Laboratory Techniques: A Pocket Guide delivers a foundational and intuitive pocket reference text that contains essential information necessary to prepare reagents, perform fundamental laboratory techniques, and analyze and interpret data.…
This unique and attractive open access textbook combines the beauty of macroscopic pictures of plant stems with the corresponding colorfully stained images of anatomical micro-structures. In contrast to most botanical textbooks, it presents all the stem characteristics as photographs and shows the microscopic reality. The amount of text is reduced to a minimum, and the scientific information…
Environmental Chemistry in the Lab presents a comprehensive approach to modern environmental chemistry laboratory instruction, together with a complete experimental experience. The laboratory experiments have an introduction for the students to read, a pre-lab for them to complete before coming to the lab, a data sheet to complete during the lab, and a post-lab which would give them an opportun…
We live in a well-engineered universe. This engineering is present in every system and organism in existence, including in the actions and interactions of plants and animals. In fact, one could say that the function and movement of plants and animals is just as much a part of their makeup as chlorophyll and fiber or bone and blood. Consequently, if we want to understand the ecology of animals a…
This Open Access book presents feedback from the ‘Territorial Agroecological Transition in Action’- TATA-BOX research project, which was devoted to these specific issues. The multidisciplinary and multi-organisation research team steered a four-year action-research process in two territories of France. It also presents: i) the key dimensions to be considered when dealing with agroecologica…
The Book of Genes & Genomes presents a concise overview of the advances in genetics and genomics and provide the unfamiliar reader with a succinct description of many of the applications and implications of this field. Given the substantial investment in genetics and genomics over the past several decades and the many recent discoveries and developments, this book will help the reader begin to …
Medical Genetics and Genomics A comprehensive question-and-answer book for those preparing for board examinations on clinical genetics Medical Genetics and Genomics: Questions for Board Review provides more than 350 high-yield multiple choice questions (MCQs) to help readers prepare for standardized examinations for accreditation and ongoing certification in the various fields of medical ge…
Anomalous epigenetic patterns touch many areas of study including biomedical, scientific, and industrial. With perspectives from international experts, this resource offers an all-inclusive overview of epigenetics, which bridge DNA information and function by regulating gene expression without modifying the DNA sequence itself. Epigenetics, in its most basic form, means heredity is not the s…