Covid-ology: A field Guide
The COVID-19 outbreak and response has been characterized by institutional missteps, media misinformation, and economic and social upheavals. This book is intended to de-mystify and inform in a succinct and straightforward text. The lessons shared are applicable to other infectious diseases and future inevitable pandemics. Readers will learn about the origins of COVID-19, the disease it causes, tests and how they work, therapeutics and prophylactic measures such as vaccines. This text prepares readers to be better able to respond to future emerging infectious diseases and pandemics.
Key Features
Positively influences career choices within public health
Applies basic science to problems raised by the COVID-19 pandemic such as vaccine development and herd immunity
Prepares readers with context and tactics for understanding future infectious disease outbreaks
Successfully used in college senior health sciences seminars
Engaging and balanced treatment of the politicization of public health issues, especially COVID-19
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